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Start Creating The World This One Could Be.

At Hampshire College, we always see more opportunity for progress.

More potential for connection. More possibility to build up, tear down, reconstruct, and make something altogether new.


We have a responsibility to make that vision of a better world real. To do that, we have to solve problems no one has solved before. And that requires an approach no one has taken before.

What are the consequences of interacting with our environment?
What are the consequences of interacting with our environment?
Environments & Change

How do we repair our environment and reverse climate change? How do we care for each other and our planet? How do we define a sense of home and embody our place in the world?

How do justice and injustice inform our every action and our futures?
How do justice and injustice inform our every action and our futures?

How can we dismantle white supremacy? How do we prepare ourselves to make anti-racist practice a part of our everyday lives, actions, and decisions? What is the future of reproductive justice? 

How do we use technology to reflect and construct our realities?
How do we use technology to reflect and construct our realities?

How do technologies shape the world and our relationships to it? In what ways are media and technology agents of positive change, and how do we address the ethical, political, social, and economic problems they pose?

Who are we? How did we get here? What’s next?
Who are we? How did we get here? What’s next?
Time & Narrative

Whose histories get told, whose memories matter? How do we author time, mark time, and measure space and time? What lies ahead, and how do we plan for and reimagine a different world?


As the world spins, needs and interests shift, and pressing issues arise, new themes will rise to meet the challenge. You play a crucial part in setting those themes, and have the ability to change the course of our college and curriculum.

A woman writing on a chalk board at farmers market

Never static.


Propose new key themes.
Join your classmates and propose relevant key themes that are most important to you. Once approved, the theme is adopted by one of our Learning Collaboratives.

A group of students studying.

Never alone.


Assemble a Learning Collaborative.
Gather a boundless community of minds and resources to tackle a key theme. Learning Collaboratives are made up of faculty and students, mixing ideas, skills, passions. Perspectives and expertise.

An image displaying memorabilia and pins from the 70s

Never just an idea.


Engage your community, and get to work.

Students design and pursue experiential, hands-on learning opportunities that build community and uncover inventive ways to address critical needs.

Find YourSelf out here